Planning Session to Oppose the Federal Budget
by the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council
April 4, 6:30pm-8:30pm
3700 Kempt Rd, Halifax
The Conservative government has introduced another budget full of cuts and attacks on workers, our families, our communities and our environment.
Soon, it is highly likely the Conservatives will release yet another omnibus Budget Implementation Act.
The Executive of the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council has approved a motion calling on the Labour Council to work with our social movement allies to help organize creative resistance to the federal budget and promote alternatives.
In this spirit, we would like to invite individuals and organizations opposed to the federal budget to come to a planning meeting.
Our European Gamble: How Canada-EU free trade hurts Atlantic Canada
by the Council of Canadians Atlantic Office
April 5, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Dalhousie McCain Building, Room 2198, Halifax
The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement could be signed within weeks. Join us for a brown bag (bring your own) lunch-and-learn on the negative impacts this deal will have on Nova Scotia, and why it’s not too late for the Dexter government to walk away from CETA.
Christine Saulnier, Nova Scotia Director for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, co-author of the new report CETA and Nova Scotia: Who Pays for ‘Free’ Trade?
Stuart Trew, Trade Campaigner for The Council of Canadians, author of The CETA Deception: How the Harper government’s public relations campaign misrepresents the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
Contact agiles@canadians.org for more information.
Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
Sponsored by:
The Council of Canadians
The Nova
Scotia Federation of Labour
The Canadians Centre for
Policy Alternatives
Urgent Briefing and Action Planning
By the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council
April 20, 9:30am-4:30pm
Location TBA, Halifax
Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are preparing to attack workers and our unions like never before.
This time they are targeting union and job security by attacking the Rand Formula. US-style Right-to-Work laws are making their way North of the border.
Join the Halifax Dartmouth & District Labour Council for a
one day briefing and action planning symposium on the Union
This symposium is designed for local union executives, stewards, activists and interested union members. The symposium is also open to our social movement allies and community members.
The morning will be a interactive presentation about what this means for us as workers and for our workplaces. It will provide tips on how to talk about the issue with our co-workers and fellow union members. Materials will be provided to take back to the workplace.
The afternoon will focus on building resistance to the attacks on the working class and will be a participatory action planning session. Bring your ideas and creativity!
$15 or pay what you can.