Solidarity Halifax Calls On Citizens of Halifax to Act in Solidarity with the African NS Community Over Police Policy

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It has been 6 months since CBC released statistics about police/street checks* in Halifax.  Since that time, many members of the Black community in Halifax have been unequivocal in their demand for an immediate moratorium on street checks. Instead, the police released an interim report in mid June committing to empty actions, such as continued analysis … [Read More]

Limits of Imagination

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The limits of what is thought possible in the world of public policy and politics is as much a matter of subjective imagination as it is a matter of empirical economic and fiscal reality. Whether it be universal health care coverage, public pensions, or even our basic social safety net, every major social policy achievement … [Read More]

Shining Bright Through Joanne Bernard’s Dark Cloud

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In a recent interview with CBC News, former Minister of Community Services Joanne Bernard made the following statements in reference to her electoral defeat in Dartmouth North and to the NDP’s promise to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr: “When NDP candidates are at the door, they’re talking to people who may be struggling — … [Read More]

ELECTIONS, AUSTERITY, AND CAPITALISM – a Statement from Solidarity Halifax

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ELECTIONS, AUSTERITY, AND CAPITALISM A Statement from Solidarity Halifax The McNeil Liberal government have pursued balanced budgets and ‘fiscal responsibility’ at the expense of the majority of us. Using the false claim that there is not enough wealth to go around, the McNeil Liberals have cut funding to nursing homes, cut funding to community organizations … [Read More]

Combatting Nova Scotia Fiscal Myths

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Updated Solidarity Halifax Statement on Fiscal Myths The Liberal provincial government has worked itself into a lather trying to convince us that the province is broke and that drastic cuts are necessary. But this is nonsense meant to continue the enrichment of the rich and impoverishment of the poor. Is it true that Nova Scotia … [Read More]

Organizing for the long term in the age of Trump

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On January 28th, 2017, Solidarity Halifax was invited to offer remarks during a community gathering aimed at encouraging movement building and organizing in the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration as President of the USA. The following is adapted from a speech delivered by Solidarity Halifax member Jackie Barkley at the North Memorial Library for this … [Read More]

Statement Against the March 4 “March for Freedom” and Against the Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens

| Statements

The organizers of our counter-protest today have rightly named the so-called “March for Freedom” a “thinly-veiled anti-Muslim” rally. M-103 is a motion in Parliament that names Islamophobia as something that needs to be condemned. The backlash against M-103 that emphasizes “all religions” is eerily similar to the slogan “All Lives Matter”. These alternatives attempt to … [Read More]

Teachers’ Act Of Civil Disobedience Should Inspire Us All

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Larry Haiven is a professor emeritus in the Department of Management at Saint Mary’s University, a member of the Steering Committee and spokes for Nova Scotia Parents For Teachers and a member of Solidarity Halifax.  Originally published in the Local XPress. By LARRY HAIVEN In one of the boldest acts of civil disobedience in the … [Read More]