All out Oct.2: Fight for 15 & Fairness

Killam Library

This October 1, while Albertans celebrate being the first province to reach a $15 minimum wage, Nova Scotia becomes the province with the lowest minimum wage in the country. This hasn’t always been the case. Just 4 and 1/2 years ago, Nova Scotia had the 4th highest minimum wage, while Alberta was one of the … [Read More]

Fight For $15 – Organizing Meeting

Halifax Central Library

Workers in Nova Scotia have been struggling to survive on a totally inadequate minimum wage for far too long. Join our movement to demand a $15 minimum wage and fair working conditions for all workers. Campaigns for $15 and Fairness have already been successful in Alberta, Ontario, and BC. We’ve been building a campaign, but … [Read More]

Fight For $15 – Petitioning Action

Mumford Terminal

Come join us for another petitioning action! We will meet briefly at the McDonald’s near the Mumford Road Bus Terminal at noon, then head to the bus terminal to do some petitioning. Nova Scotia raised its minimum wage by a totally inadequate 15 cents on April 1st. We’re building a movement to demand $15 an … [Read More]

Fight For $15 & Fairness: Petitioning Action

Halifax Central Library

Come out to help build the movement for $15 and Fairness in Halifax. Campaigns for $15 and Fairness have already been successful in Alberta, Ontario, and BC, with these provincial governments promising a gradual wage hike to $15 over the next few years. Meanwhile, NS has one of the lowest minimum wages in the country … [Read More]