Treaty Teach-In & Action Brainstorm

Shambala School

SWAGR invites you to a Treaty Teach-In & Action Brainstorm with Rebecca Moore. Are you interested in learning about the Peace and Friendship Treaties? Are you interested in exploring what it would mean for the Treaties to be honoured, and who is responsible for upholding the Treaties? Want to be involved in anti-colonial organizing and … [Read More]

Imagining 2030: What Could Climate Justice Look Like in Mi’kma’ki?

Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre

Conversations on climate action, good jobs, and rights for workers and Indigenous communities. Nova Scotia needs new goals for climate action, and a new way of looking at climate justice. Groups have called for public engagement on the development of two wide-reaching pieces of climate and environmental policy with the Government of Nova Scotia: the … [Read More]

Towards an anti-capitalist and anti-colonial environmentalism

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Talking Radical Radio interviewed Solidarity Halifax members Sam Krawec and Chelsea Fougere to talk about their work through our Ecojustice Committee, which aims to bring anti-capitalists and environmentalists together, and to create a space for people to engage in analysis and action that works towards building an anti-capitalist, anti-colonial environmentalism. “Historically, anti-capitalist organizations (in their … [Read More]

Solidarity Against Alton Gas

| Statements

The Alton Natural Gas Storage Facility Project is a plan to store high-pressure natural gas in artificial caverns about one kilometer underground near Stewiacke, Nova Scotia. The company plans to use water from the Shubenacadie River to flush out salt deposits, dump the waste water back into the river, and use the resulting underground hollows … [Read More]

Many Hands Can Stop Alton Gas – Online Fundraiser

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Mi’kmaq water protectors and allies are building a strawbale house at the front gates of the Alton Gas site, and could use some financial support. Help them maintain the Treaty Camp throughout the winter! Watch the video and make a donation “We do it for the water” Mi’kmaq water protectors and allies are building a … [Read More]

Guideposts for Environmental Organizing Against Capitalism

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The Eco-Justice Committee of Solidarity Halifax supports struggles against climate change and environmental destruction. We work from an understanding of capitalism, ongoing colonialism, and environmental racism. Recognizing the failure of the Left to properly or effectively address issues of the environment, Solidarity Halifax proposes the following considerations for anti-capitalist organizing. We expect these to constantly … [Read More]


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Canada 150 celebrations do not occur in a vacuum, but in the context of history. This year, we invite you to reflect on the history of Canada and to consider narratives beyond the European colonial mainstream. What does Canada 150 mean to you? What might it mean to others? Canada has been trying to “destroy … [Read More]